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CPD and training for school teachers

We can help teachers build their confidence and excitement about music, and learn specialist skills and techniques. Our half-day or whole-day INSET sessions can be arranged for your school or school cluster, or can take place through staff meetings.

Examples include:

  • singing throughout the school day
  • song as a springboard for composition
  • creative use of percussion instruments, tuned and untuned
  • composing, performing and recording
  • rhythm and pulse games
  • engaging pupils through music
  • music matters – cross-curricular links
  • Improved music subject knowledge.

“It was wonderful seeing the students’ genuine enthusiasm on the stage, it was heartwarming.  Looking forward to the next one!”

Emily Warner, Head of Music at the Forest School

“Our students will often not get the opportunity to be part of something like this, particularly with mainstream peers of the same age, or have the opportunity to perform in a venue like this evening, so giving them that experience, I’m sure will definitely stay with them forever.”

Kenny Park Lead teacher for the arts at Oak Grove College

“It’s such a great opportunity for our students to work with other schools and choir leaders, and have the opportunity to perform in a fantastic event with a large audience.”

Kellie Walden, Teacher of Music at Oscar Romero Catholic School

Support for schools

Ensemble teaching taster

Whole class ensemble

Support for leadership

School performances

Curriculum & singing

Talk to us about what you want to make happen in your school. We can also offer songwriting and composition workshops to unleash your pupils’ creativity, themed workshops for cross-curricular work, and much more.

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