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Nicki Hughes


About Nicki:

“I am a parent who has two daughters who play brass instruments in the Youth Wind Orchestra and Youth Big Band section of WSM.


I play brass instruments (E flat Bass /Cornet) and I am a member of the Chichester City Band. My daughter’s also play in the Youth section of CCB. I am a member of their committee overseeing the youth section and have completed a Bandsafe safeguarding course as well as helping to organize events where the children can perform.  


I am a nurse and work as a Clinical Services Lead for the Community at St Wilfrid’s Hospice in Chichester. Through my job in the charitable sector I understand governance, fund raising, overseeing budgets, grant applications, networking and working collaboratively with community services.


I enjoy keeping fit by running and paddle boarding. I love camping and being outdoors exploring.


I believe music should be available equitably for all children. It offers a lifelong skill, promotes confidence, encourages friendships and helps bring the community.  I’m thrilled to be part of the education board to help move forward the exciting projects in music  planned for children in West Sussex”.

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