Bognor Regis
Music Centre
The Phoenix Centre
Westloats Lane
Bognor Regis
PO21 5JD
Music Centre Manager: Kate Parkin
Cost per term
£75 for one activity, £120 for 2+ activities
Free for pupils on free school meals or pupils in care or those with refugee status
Half price for families on other state benefits
Bognor Regis Music Centre activities
Tomorrow's Orchestra Programme, 4.30pm
Standard: Beginners
Ages: 7 – 11 yrs old
When: Thursdays, 4.30pm – 6pm
Instruments: Strings, Woodwind, Brass
Bognor Regis Junior Orchestra, 4.15pm
Standard: Elementary
When: Thursdays, 4.15pm – 5.15pm
Instruments: Strings, Woodwind, Brass
Ensemble Leader: Nick Chalk
Why get involved?
There are so many reasons to start making music! We’re committed to enabling all children and young people to access music education, so we have a generous bursary scheme to help with costs.