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West Sussex Music Centre Winter Concert 3

The College of Richard Collyer The College of Richard Collyer, Sports Hall, Hurst Road, Horsham, West Sussex

Date:                           Saturday 11 December Venue:                        Sports Hall, Collyer’s College Concert:               …

£4 – £7

Eternal Light: A Requiem

St Mary's Church Causeway Horsham RH12 1HE St Mary's ChurchHorsham,

The West Sussex Youth Choirs will be joining together with Sussex Voiceworks (an adult choir based in Shoreham), Collyers Choir and a professional orchestra to perform Howard Goodall's 'Eternal Light: A Requiem'. Following a difficult couple of years for choirs…

£4 – £9

Live Music Performance

Bohunt Horsham Bailey Cl,, Horsham, West Sussex

A small selection of Kidenza’s fabulous musicians will perform, entertain and educate showing that orchestral music can be FUN and NEVER STUFFY “It completely surpassed my expectations and was lovely to see the children inspired and engaged in classical music”

Petworth Festival Sponsors Party

Petworth House Petworth, West Sussex

The West Sussex String Quartet and West Sussex Cello Quartet will be performing at the Petworth Festival Sponsors Party.  The Quartets will play background music whilst guests arrive and will later perform in the Marble Hall following speeches from Lord…

Live Music Performance 2

Bersted Green Primary School Laburnum Grove, Bognor Regis, West Sussex

A small selection of Kidenza’s fabulous musicians will perform, entertain and educate showing that orchestral music can be FUN and NEVER STUFFY Hosted by Bersted Green Primary School “It completely surpassed my expectations and was lovely to see the children…

Live Music Performance 3

Bohunt School Worthing 65a Broadwater RdWorthing,

A small selection of Kidenza’s fabulous musicians will perform, entertain and educate showing that orchestral music can be FUN and NEVER STUFFY For pupils in years 5, 6, 7, and 8 from local primary schools “It completely surpassed my expectations…

Live Music Performance 4

Ormiston Six Villages Lime Ave, Chichester, West Sussex

A small selection of Kidenza’s fabulous musicians will perform, entertain and educate showing that orchestral music can be FUN and NEVER STUFFY For pupils in years 5, 6, 7, and 8 from local primary and schools “It completely surpassed my…

Summer Concert 1

Worthing Assembly Hall Stoke Abbott Road,Worthing,

Summer Concert 1 brings together West Sussex Music's junior and intermediate ensembles which includes wind bands, string orchestras and the Tomorrow's Orchestra Programme Beginner Orchestra in it's first performance. An appearance by West Sussex Youth Orchestra will demonstrate the depth…

Summer Concert 2

Worthing Assembly Hall Stoke Abbott Road,Worthing,

Summer Concert 2 features West Sussex Music's County Ensembles; West Sussex Young Voices, West Sussex Youth Choir, West Sussex Youth Wind Orchestra and West Sussex Youth Orchestra. Each will perform a varied programme making for an exciting evening of high-quality…

Together and Apart

Chichester Cathedral Chichester, West Sussex

West Sussex Youth Orchestra, West Sussex Youth Choir and West Sussex Young Voices perform separately and combine for the premiere of local composer Ned Bigham’s 'Together and Apart', a composition inspired by the experiences of West Sussex's children and young people…

West Sussex Music Centre – Winter Concert

Worthing Assembly Hall Stoke Abbott Road,Worthing,

The combined forces of the West Sussex Music Centre ensembles invite you to our Winter Concert. Featuring over 200 talented young musicians, our ensembles and groups will showcase a wide variety of musical styles and genres.We look forward to seeing…

Concert – West Sussex Music Centre spring presentation

Horsham Music Centre Millais School, Depot Road,Horsham,

A fantastic opportunity for our music centre starter, elementary, and intermediate ensembles to show what they’ve been working on this term to family and friends. Featuring our combined TOPs orchestras (TOPs does POPs!), Hi5 wind ensemble, West Sussex Training Wind…


Concert – West Sussex County Ensembles spring concert

The Capitol Theatre North Street, Horsham, West Sussex

26 March @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm West Sussex Music’s County Ensembles perform a wide variety of works. Starting with a foyer performance from our brass ensemble, Urban Brass, the glorious stage of the Capitol theatre will host performances by West…


Make Music Day

West Sussex Young Voices perform as part of Make Music Day 2023 in Queens Square, Crawley  

West Sussex Music Winds Workshop

The College of Richard Collyer The College of Richard Collyer, Sports Hall, Hurst Road, Horsham, West Sussex

Horsham Music Centre will host a Wind Quintet from Trinity Laban Conservatoire to provide a selection of workshops suitable for Wind and French Horn players of all abilities.The afternoon will be divided into specialised sessions to suit your instrument, with…

West Sussex Music Centre Summer Concert

Worthing Assembly Hall Stoke Abbott Road,Worthing,

The Music Centre Summer Concert brings together West Sussex Music Centre ensembles for our end of year performances. Featuring the West Sussex Training Wind Orchestra, West Sussex Training String Orchestra, Worthing Youth Orchestra, Chichester Youth Orchestra, Hi5 (Horsham Elementary Wind…


West Sussex County Ensembles Summer Concert

Worthing Assembly Hall Stoke Abbott Road,Worthing,

The County Ensembles Summer Concert features West Sussex Music's County Ensembles; West Sussex Young Voices, West Sussex Youth Choir, West Sussex Youth Wind Orchestra and West Sussex Youth Orchestra.Each will perform a varied programme making for an exciting evening of…

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