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Drum Lab

For complete beginner to intermediate percussion players

We’re thrilled to introduce our percussion group: Drum Lab

Drum Lab offers students a new musical experience, providing an opportunity for the many young students who want to play drums/percussion instruments in a fun, safe, and exciting group. Playing all styles of music on a wide variety of instruments, this is the perfect group for all budding young drummers, no experience necessary!

Who can join? Anyone in school years 3-8 (age 7-13)

Where can I join?  Drum Lab meets at three different venues at our music centres.  Apply now and try something new!

Chichester Music Centre

9am – 10am
St Joseph’s CE Junior School, Orchard Street,
Chichester, PO19 1DQ

Horsham Music Centre

11am – 12pm (Beginners)
12pm – 1pm (Intermediate)
Millais School, Depot Road
Horsham, RH13 5HR

Worthing Music Centre

9am – 10am
Bohunt School, Broadwater Road,

Worthing, BN14 8AH

Drummer | Music Teacher

Drumming and playing music has been a part of my life since I was a child. Having been a student of West Sussex Music from the age of 8 to 18, West Sussex Music has offered me more than simply learning an instrument. It has brought me friendships, life skills, and brilliant memories. I’m looking to give back some of these amazing opportunities to the next generation of musicians who will start their musical journey with me at the Drum Lab “

Percussion teacher
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