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(December 2024)


Sussex Music Hub (SMH) aims to promote accessible, high quality music activities that provide value for money. To support this, Hub delivery partners leverage a range of funding sources to ensure that charges, if made, are as low as possible.

The SMH Charging and Remissions Policy outlines which activities might incur a charge and the sources of financial assistance for those for whom this would be a barrier.


2. Aims

The SMH Charging and Remissions policy aims to: 

  • Have clear processes in place for charging and remissions in accordance with the local policies of each consortium partner.
  • Keep charges to a minimum. 
  • Clarify the types of activity that can be charged for 
  • Offer a range of activities whilst minimising the financial barriers that may prevent some pupils from taking full advantage of these opportunities  


3. Definitions

  • Charge: a fee payable for specifically defined activities, products, and services.
  • Remission: the cancellation of a charge which would normally be payable. 


4. When charges are made  

Charges are made for a range of music education activities. Examples of charged activities for parents/carers and schools include:

a. Charges are made to parents/carersfor:

  • Instrumental and vocal tuition
  • Music Centre membership 
  • Online courses
  • Instrument hireand maintenance
  • Holiday and weekend courses
  • Residential trips and music tours 

Information about current fee structures for instrumental and vocal tuition are available on the respective websites Create Music and West Sussex Music.

b. Charges are made to schoolsfor:

  • Classroom Instrumental Lessons 
  • Leading school ensembles, workshops, bespoke support
  • Curriculum teaching e.g. PPA Cover

Information about current fee structures for schools are available on the respective websites Create Music and West Sussex Music


5. When charges are not made

There are a range of school-based activities where parents/carers will not be charged. These include:  

  • For Classroom Instrumental Lessons and related programmes (CIL) programmes.
  • Group instrumental lessons for children who are looked after by a Local Authority.  


6. Remissions

a. Instrumental and vocal tuition programmes

To support access to music making activities, both consortium partners operate bursary schemes towards the cost of tuition and instrument hire.

For further information about the schemes offered by each member of the consortium please see the respective websites Create Music and West Sussex Music 

b. Music Centre membership

To support access to music making activities, both consortium partners operate bursary schemes towards the cost of music centre membership.

For further information about the remission scheme offered by each consortium partner, please see the respective websites Create Music and West Sussex Music 

c. Targeted programmes

We fundraise throughout the year to support targeted activities for children and young people who may experience barriers to participation. We aim for these programmes to be free at the point of contact. Examples of this type of activity include the Holiday, Activity & Food (HAF) programme and activities for children and young people with SEND. 

d. Partnerships with schools

The Hub encourages schools to use their Pupil Premium Funding to support students’ music activities in addition to the support provided by the Hub. 


7. Annual review

The SMH Charging and Remission Policy is reviewed annually and published to ensure the sustainability of the programmes and to promote accessibility for all.

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