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West Sussex Sings Live! 

Hundreds of young people from across the south of the county took part in a singing performance in Worthing recently. 

The initiative, called Sings Live! is organised by West Sussex Music, and takes place across the north and south of the county, with concerts in both.  

This week it was the turn of Sings Live! South, with the performance happening at Worthing Assembly Hall. Over 240 young people aged 11-18 year olds performed on Tuesday night to the packed audience.  

The performance was a result of a lot of hard work behind the scenes with workshops and rehearsals through the autumn term preparing the choirs for this event. Hub partner and world-leading choral organisation, The Sixteen, kicked-off the Sings Live! project running workshops in early autumn 2024 in preparation for the concerts.  

Teachers, along with staff from West Sussex Music have continued since the project launch to work with the students to ensure they were well rehearsed and ready for the performance. 

This year’s mass-choral works features music by British neo-soul artist Laura Mvula, American singer and composer Moira Smiley, and British contemporary classical composer, Kerry Andrew. 

Alison Sutton, Assistant Head, at West Sussex Music said: 

“Sings Live! South has been a fantastic experience for all of us; staff, students and their families. One of our participating schools’ headteacher, Phillip Potter from Oak Grove College, gave thanks to our wonderful performers at the end of the concert and remarked that Sings Live! is a reminder about why the arts are so important bringing together students from across our county to share in the joy music brings. He went on to thank West Sussex Music for ‘bringing their professional musical excellence and organising this unique event’.” 

Our next event, Sings Live! North, is on Thursday 27 February at 6pm at Christ’s Hospital School. 

Tickets for Sings Live! North are still available and everyone’s invited to come to the performances, with tickets priced at £10 for adults, and £5 for concessions.

Book here  

Photos credit: Murray Clarke


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