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Orchestras Inc. returns!

Two Boys Work Closely On A Keyboard

Following a hugely successful run of sessions last term, West Sussex Music’s inclusive SEND orchestra is back, with FOUR sessions this half-term!  

Orchestras Inc. is an inclusive, creative music group for children and young people under 25 with special educational needs or disabilities, and their parents or carers.  

Orchestras Inc. is open to all children and young people with additional needs, including those attending special schools, those at mainstream schools or colleges with additional needs and those who are home schooled.  

The group meets at Horsham Music Centre based at Millais School in Horsham on Saturdays during term time and is open to young people from anywhere with a parent or carer for support.  

This term Orchestras Inc. is set to meet on the following dates, from 12.30pm – 1.30pm:   

  • Saturday 18 January 
  • Saturday 25 January 
  • Saturday 1 February 
  • Saturday 8 February 

Alison Sutton, Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead at West Sussex Music, said:   

“I’m so excited for the return of Orchestras Inc. at Horsham Music Centre. The young musicians and their carers had a wonderful time last term, and it was fantastic when Orchestras Inc joined forces with West Sussex Youth Orchestra for a joint and we look forward to more collaborations this term.” 

She added: “For many SEND young people, opportunities to get together with others to make music can be limited so I’m really proud that we’re developing a community of young SEND musicians at music centre.”  

Children and young people interested in attending are welcome to come to as many sessions as they like, and all sessions are free of charge.   

If you know a child or young person aged up to 25 who would like to join Orchestras Inc. please complete the form on the website, found here. You’ll also see here a video which shows exactly what to expect when you arrive at the music centre.  

For more information and to register, go here. 


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